Рисунок к проекту / Drawing for projects
Bong Yeung
- 66
- 7
2012 © www.archigraphics.ru.
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The project is to create an architecture that would turn failed (by not passing EU Marketing Standards) fruit and vegetables into sustainable energy for London. At the same time, an extensive super-farm running north and south of the architecture was also proposed to make London self-sufficient in fresh produces.
From London to the east, Lea Valley has been chosen as the site. It has been a socially and economically deprived area, but also has a remarkable history of horticultural industry in the last century. The proposed super-farm will be an urban regeneration project through urban strategies, which could generate self-sufficiency at 43.7% in 7,933 hectares of land. I have explored the potential agricultural technologies that can boost the levels of productivity and environmental performance: hydroponic farming and the closed-glasshouse system.
Thanet Earth and Sky Farm provide examples which I have examined and analysed the technical data of hydroponic farming. The core architecture in the centre of Lea Valley will be responsible to distribution and the use of anaerobic digesters to convert “non-standard” failed produce into bio-fuel, suggesting that 400,000 local households could have energy provision from this source in London. After all, the project attempts to response the challenges of food and fuel supplies that the UK faces from the environmental, social and economic aspects.
01: an aerial perspective drawing showing the roof of the super-farm and looking towards the Institute
02: a perspective drawing showing the front of the Institute
03: a general arrangement plan of the Institute of Failed Fruit and Vegetables
04: a sectional perspective detail of the fruit testing station
05: a masterplan of the super-farm and the Institute
Размеры рисунка или рисунков (в см) / Sizes of the Drawing/Drawings (cm): 84.1 X 59.4
Drawing technique / Техника исполнения : Pencil on paper