Рисунок с натуры
Drawing from nature
Jane Grealy
- 72
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2012 © www.archigraphics.ru.
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Author: Grealy
I have been drawing the garden of my neighbour, Maria, for several years now. Maria and her husband came from Italy after the second world war and with many other Italian migrants, they settled in our inner city suburb New Farm (in Brisbane, Australia). Maria is over eighty and finds the house and garden harder to maintain since her husband died a couple of years ago. Maria and her husband constructed rooms under the house, the chook shed, outside oven and climbing frames for the beans and other vegetables. Her husband diverted water from the roof into garbage bins and Maria uses a saucepan tied to a broom handle to distribute water to the plants. No material is wasted, everything is recycled, found and reused. I see new development all around us and I know Maria’s house and garden are unlikely to survive the increasing pressure for higher density living.
Размеры рисунка или рисунков (в см) / Sizes of the Drawing/Drawings (cm): 108 x 67
Drawing technique / Техника исполнения : charcoal, pastel
Год исполнения / Year of the Drawing: 2018