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Архитектурная фантазия
Architectural fantasy

24 декабря - 10 августа 2019 года 117 участников
Победитель/Winner —Sergey Demkov

PROTHESIS : A vertical public space

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Author: ABI SABER Lara

In a very dense area, a vertical public space arises within the city.This project is derived from the fabric of the proliferating urban scape and is a prosthesis for the fractures of this city. With its public space, its hanging garden and its terraced roofs, it is at the disposal of the inhabitants...

Размеры рисунка или рисунков (в см) / Sizes of the Drawing/Drawings (cm): 112x40 cm

Drawing technique / Техника исполнения : ink on paper

Год исполнения / Year of the Drawing: 2018

