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Архитектурная фантазия
Architectural fantasy

24 декабря - 10 августа 2019 года 117 участников
Победитель/Winner —Sergey Demkov

All your life

  • Режим отображения
Han Xie
  • 21
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Author: Han Xie

A poet once said, your soul is a book, actions are the words. I was deeply fascinated by that idea. Imaging our world is not the REAL world. And the real world where we come from is a 4 dimension library with infinite rooms that concealing all the comes and goes. PIC ONE: Three levels of the library are"creation lab", "design studio" and "writers hall", where creators can build figures, manufacture natural environment for those figures to live in, furthermore, provide several stories and scripts for us to choose. The rest of those reading rooms collect all the soul books for visitors to read, you can even pay for that book to experience the plot. Choose your own character and the living environment you are interested in to start a brand new adventure. Your experience can also help to rewrite part of the story for late-comers to read. PIC TWO: One has bought a script about a multi-dimensional world. The library send him here through a transmission channel. Here he will spend 27 years (which is only 27days in his own world) travelling all around the world in different dimensions (including the floating city upon a rainforest; metropolitan style future city with a huge sunken Greenland; a parameterization city locates in a desert; Web city where all the buildings are bearing by high-strength composite material), experiencing all the ups and downs his whole lifetime. These to my friend who died young. I have a belief that you are an angle from the paradise library to write your own story. All your actions become loving words. And you probably reading my book somewhere in the reading room. Bless.

Размеры рисунка или рисунков (в см) / Sizes of the Drawing/Drawings (cm): 42x29.7cm

Drawing technique / Техника исполнения : Сolored pencils and graphic needle pen on paper

Год исполнения / Year of the Drawing: 2019


