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Рисуя современную архитектуру
Drawing Modern Architecture

1 декабря - 21 сентября 2020 года 99 участников
Победитель/Winner —Екатерина Лутохина

Bogota.Visual Notes.

  • Режим отображения
Diana Londono
  • 28
  • 2

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Author: Diana Londono

Drawing modernist architecture: These drawings are based on modernist architecture that was built in the mid-1950s. In which the center of Bogotá, Colombia, went through many urban changes and was the place where great exponents of architecture, such as Rogelio Salmona. Who creatively innovated the city's appearance, which is reflected in "Las torres del parque" (two last drawings), the national university and the 26th street. (Firts drawings)

Размеры рисунка или рисунков (в см) / Sizes of the Drawing/Drawings (cm): 1: 78 weidth X 36 cm Height 2: 45 widht X 30 cm height. 3: 30 width X 24 height. 4: 21 width x 27 height. 5:25 weidth X 35 cmheigth

Drawing technique / Техника исполнения : 1: ink on paper. 2,3,4,5: pencil on paper

Год исполнения / Year of the Drawing: 1: 2012 2,3,4,5: 2019


